Tag Archives: technology

16-year-old Maryland teen creates Good50 search engine for older web users

AOL still has its place

When I wrote last week about the death of AOL, I may have been premature. Maybe it’s just the start of a new chapter in AOL‘s lifespan. Take this Washington Post story today, for proof. AOL last week screwed up and released private information about its users and how they use the company’s search engine. […]

AOL is dead, long live AOL

Truly, it’s the end of an era. My first online job, way back in 1996, was as Content Editor of AOL’s Digital City Denver. It was a great time to be working on the Internet — there was a palpable sense of excitement. Everything was new, and everything was possible. Never mind that AOL wasn’t […]

iPods — the New Barbie

When Barbie was “born” into the Mattel family of toys in 1959, she wasn’t just a doll. She was the epicenter of a retail revolution. When parents bought their baby-boomer girls a Barbie, they were agreeing to an unspoken but implicit contract with the toy store to return time and again and buy stuff – […]