Asian Americans at the Democratic National Convention

Actress Tamlyn Tomita speaks bout her support for APIAVote, a non-profit organization that promotes Asian Americans’ involvement in politics, especially getting AAPIs to vote.

Erin and I have been busy all week, running around to various Asian American Pacific Islander events during the Democratic National Convention. Denver’s all dolled up and feeling like a real city, and it all culminates with tonight’s acceptance speech by Barack Obama.

We were fortunate to be given a pair of tickets to the main event (by Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, whom I happened to run into on the downtown 16th Street Mall — I’ve known him for years, from before his political career, when he opened Wynkoop Brewing Co., the first brewpub in Colorado). So I’ll post a report later tonight or tomorrow about the speech.

We’re not delegates or involved in the local Democratic party organization. but we are very involved in the local AAPI community, so we ended up participating in some cool events that are part of the DNC, like an Asian American Summit and an AAPI Caucus, during which issues affecting the AAPI community and ways to organize and get AAPIs incolved in politics were discussed. I was also honored to be one of the emcees for an APIAVote Gala, along with actress Tamlyn Tomita and former CNN and CBS anchor Joie Chen (who, I found out, is half Chinese and half Japanese). Erin went to more events than I did, volunteering at a luncheon and breakfast during the week.

Anyway, here are a handful of videos from the week that have to do with the AAPI community. Enjoy!

Mee Moua, the pioneering state representative from Minnesota wo is the first Hmong American elected official, spoke during a break at the AAPI Caucus. Asian Avenue magazine

Part 2 of Mee Moua

California Congressman Mike Honda, one of the great leaders of the AAPI community, seemed to be everywhere during the DNC. here he takes the time to speak to media outside the AAPI Caucus. Asian Avenue magazine

Mike Honda, Part 2

APIAVote Executive Director Vida Benevides talks about the importance of AAPIs registering and voting. Asian Avenue magazine

Denver Chinese American Eric Sung talks about his passion for politics at an Asian American Pacific Islander Caucus during the Democratic National Convention in Denver. Asian Avenue magazine

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